Monday, November 7, 2011

How To Make An Air Rifle Spring Compressor

How To Make An Air Rifle Spring Compressor Tube. Duration : 7.93 Mins.

Here is something I know alot of people ask about, but I have yet to see a video on the subject (I may stand corrected, I personally have just never seen one). Building a spring compressor to modify or cleanup your air rifle, all for about depending on what materials and tools you already have. I have to stress yet again that this a direct reflection of your own skill, no to say I am a professional or anything, but I have 2 diplomas in technical fields and a few years of experience, so I am confident in my own building abilities. If you are not, do not attempt this, if you don't know how to disassemble your gun completely do not attempt this. Not trying to scare anyone, just letting you know there can be serious pressure when you release the lock pin, and serious injury could occur if the correct precautions are not taken. So for those with the proper abilities and tools this is not a very difficult project by any means, and if you follow the directions and think logically you will have no problems. If you have any questions message me and i'll try to help as best i can....

Keywords: Air, Rifle, Spring, Compressor, rifles, modding, guns, gun, maintenance, crosman, phantom, .22, pellet

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